My Top 5 Favourite Catholic documentaries
The Catholic Flower recommends Catholic documentaries that should be watched.
I do not know about you, but I love watching documentaries about our Catholic Faith. Particularly, documentaries highlighting the beauty of the Faith lived out by people within the Church. Thus, I would love to share my top 5 favourite Catholic documentaries with you. As a disclaimer, they all highlight religious life in some way but I do think for us as young people there is a beauty in discovering how people give their lives to God fully and without reserve. It serves as an encouragement and witness for us to live out holiness in our everyday lives as young people in the capacity we are called to live it in. This could be in the single life, married life , religious life, as students, young professionals or simply as good family members and friends to others.
Number 5: Hidden: A Life All for God
This documentary follows the life of a group of cloistered nuns known as Trappist Sisters. The documentary explores the day in the life of the sisters which consists of work and prayer and how these two are not separate entities but linked. Some sisters also discuss how God led them to this way of life. What I loved the most about this documentary is the Sisters’ authentic joy and peace which is radiant in their faces. You can honestly tell they are so happy to live out their vocation. I think a key takeaway message for us as young people could be to see that living a life committed to Christ does not bring restriction, but instead brings a lot of joy and peace in our lives. This documentary is free and is available to watch on YouTube (link provided).
Number 4: Light of Love
I have rewatched this documentary and love it every single time. It showcases the lives of different sisters in different religious communities. It highlights each of the Sister’s day in a life in their respective religious communities. Like the former documentary, it highlights the joy and beauty of religious life. I honestly cannot help but smile watching this documentary as the Sisters joy is so radiant. I would highly recommend this documentary to any young women discerning religious life. Although, I do think all young people watching this can develop a love and appreciation for the religious life when watching this documentary, even if they are not called to it. This documentary is free to watch on YouTube (link provided).
Number 3: Mother Theresa: No Greater Love
This documentary explores the life of Mother Teresa of Calcutta and the work of the Missionaries of Charity Sisters in different countries. I absolutely love this documentary as it highlights the fruit of Mother Teresa’s work in the world through the work of the Missionaries of Charity Sisters. I found it honestly so heart-warming and beautiful to see the Sisters care for the most vulnerable and forgotten in our world. It shows the selflessness and self-sacrificing nature of Mother Teresa and the Sisters which again highlights the beauty of consecrated life. For us young people, a message that can be deduced from this documentary is that the life of a Christian centres around love. We can do everything that ticks the boxes of us being ‘a good Catholic’ but if we lack love of others (which should naturally flow from live of God), we do not love Christ entirely. Thus, we must make love the foundation of our Faith. This documentary is also free and can be found on the EWTN website (see the link provided).
Number 2: Valeria: The Best of My Life is for You
I find this documentary very inspiring, particularly as a young Catholic. It follows the life of a teenager named Valeria who led a life of holiness, despite the struggles in her life. On the outside, she seems very ordinary which I think can be very relatable for us as young Catholics. The key takeaway message in this documentary is that holiness is possible for us as young Catholics, and holiness brings true joy! No need to levitate or do the extraordinary, but holiness can be lived every day when we give our lives to Christ. You can watch this documentary for free on YouTube (link provided).
Number 1: All or Nothing: Sr Clare Crockett
This is one of my all-time favourite Catholic documentaries. It follows the life of Clare Crockett, a young person hailing from Northern Ireland, who left behind an acting career and a life of vice to give her life completely to Christ. Her life was very similar to that of a typical young person (maybe apart from her acting career) but shows that she felt that she wanted something more: a life with Christ. This led her to discovering religious life and the joys and experiences that came with it. I love this documentary for two reasons. Firstly, it shows the beauty, joy and goodness that comes with following a life totally dedicated to Christ - literally all for Christ and Him alone. Secondly, it also shows how this deep love for Christ extends to her neighbours; a life of service and the beauty that comes with it. I think a key message for us as young people is choosing Christ above everything gives us joy even amidst the sufferings and turmoil of life.
What are your favourite Catholic documentaries? Feel free to share in the comments below: