My Five Favourite Catholic Series to watch
The Catholic Flower recommends five catholic series for young Catholics to check out.
A while ago, I wrote an article about my favourite Catholic documentaries to watch. In this article, I will now recommend five Catholic series you should watch as a young Catholic. I think each of these series would be helpful to you in some way or another. Without further ado, here are my top five Catholic series to watch.
5.) The Promise - We Said I Do Forever
Funnily enough, my mum introduced me to this series. It focuses on couples’ stories about their marriage and the joys and struggles that come with it. What I love most about this series is the vulnerability of the couples: they do not sugar-coat the struggles of marriage. On the other hand, they also share how a faith-filled marriage brings so much joy. I would recommend this series to young Catholics as it can help us in our journey of discerning what God wants us to do in our life. Particularly, those of us that are thinking about and discerning the sacrament of marriage. This series is free to watch on EWTN On Demand here:
4.) Joyfully Big
The next series is very similar to the other series. It highlights marriage and family life in its totality: husband and wife relationships, children and the joys they bring, sorrows and suffering, faith life, and last but not least the joyfulness of family life! I love watching this series as the deep faith of the families is presented. Also, they show how they deal with the challenges of family life. I also just love watching the big families with their numerous kids and how they bring them joy. This series is also free and can be found on the Shalom World YouTube channel here:
3.) Vocare
Moving away from the sacrament of marriage, we now focus on religious life. This series highlights the vocation stories of men to the priesthood and religious life, and women to the religious life. I love how each person has a different vocation story to the religious life and priesthood. I think it is good for us to be reminded that we are all unique to God so He will call us in different ways. I would also recommend this series particularly to any young Catholic considering a vocation to the priesthood and religious life.
2.) The Journey Home
I honestly adore this series! It focuses on peoples’ conversions and reversions back to the Catholic Faith. Again, each story has its uniqueness but there are also a lot of similarities in what brings people to the Faith such as reading the early Church Fathers. I find it very interesting hearing about people’s stories - there is something so intriguing about someone else’s life experiences. As young Catholics, it can remind us that we should not take our Faith for granted. It can also reignite our zeal for being Catholic as we can rediscover what makes our Faith so beautiful that draws people who were not raised in the Faith (or draws people back who have lapsed) to it. This series can be found on the EWTN YouTube channel.
1.) Seventy Times Seven
I recently discovered this series on Shalom World, and it is one of the most inspiring series I have ever watched. It focuses on peoples’ journeys towards forgiving those who have done unimaginable actions towards them and those they love. As Catholics, I think we can all understand that forgiveness is a key part of practicing our Faith but at times this can be very difficult for us, whether we like to admit it or not. I think this series can serve as a reminder for us about the healing that forgiveness does bring. It can also make us think that if these people can forgive the most outrageous wicked acts towards them, we can forgive too! This series can be found on the Shalom World YouTube channel
*Honourable mention*
Jesus My Saviour
If you want to watch how Jesus can transform the lives of people, I recommend this series. Again, this can be found on the Shalom World YouTube Channel.